Audio-Technica Record Player, Turntable Needles

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Audio-Technica Turntable Needle

With the resurgence of vinyl records, turntable needles have come back in a big way. Matching the proper replacement stylus to the turntable is important for quality audio. Find out what types of Audio-Technica styli are available, and what each of the different models offer.

What are some features of Audio-Technica turntable needles?

Audio-Technica turntable needles are designed to read the grooves of vinyl records to produce sound. The needle fits into a cartridge that attaches to the arm of the record player. There are two main types of cartridge: moving magnet and moving coil.

  • Moving Magnet (MM): This type of replacement stylus has a magnet attached to the cantilever that has the needle stuck to it. The movements of the needle guide the movement of the arm and the magnet. In this style, coils are attached to the top and bottom of the cartridge. In MM models, the stylus on this unit can be replaced.
  • Moving Coil (MC): For turntables with moving coil cartridges, the coil is attached to the cantilever, not the outside of the unit. The magnet placement is also different. With MC cartridges, the user can't replace the diamond needle; the whole thing has to be replaced. Most brands, Audio-Technica included, have a trade-in program to address this.
What are some models of Audio-Technica turntable needles?
  • AT91 Cartridge: The AT 91 features a half-inch mount, with four prongs that connect easily to the arm. It requires a 0.6 mil conical stylus and features a dual moving magnet.
  • ATF7 Cartridge: This is dual moving coil model. It features an aluminum cantilever and a standard half-inch mount.
  • ATN155 Stylus: This is a diamond stylus and features a beryllium cantilever. This is a standard mount, adjustable stylus.
What should be considered when looking for an Audio-Technica stylus?
  • Stylus Material: The stylus is the tip that touches the record to produce sound. There are many materials it can be made from. The two most common are diamond and sapphire. A diamond stylus is the more durable option, while a sapphire stylus is usually softer and weighs less, making them suited to playing more delicate audio records.
  • Mount: Your replacement stylus fits into a cartridge that attaches to the arm of the record player. This attachment, or mount, is usually one of a few types. The standard mount is also known as a half-inch mount. It plugs in easily but can be adjusted. A p-mount turntable cartridge has pins that clip right into the arm. These are convenient, but they aren't adjustable.