Removedores de callos

Callus Removers

Calluses are painful lesions on the skin that crop up from time to time, particularly on the foot or elbow areas. Most surface areas are at some risk for forming calluses, and can result in areas that are dry or rough. If you're experiencing calluses and the associated pain is interfering with daily life, a callus remover is one way to take care of the problem.

What are some types of callus removers?

While all callus removers share the same basic purpose and function, their types and forms can vary widely. It's important to take a look at some of the different callus-remover types available so you can choose one that serves your needs.

  • An electric callus remover - These removers run on batteries and are often sold in conjunction with various pedicure kits. They can be found as standalone items as well. Brands such as Amopà Pedi Perfect are known for selling electric callus removers. You'll apply specialized rollers powered by motors to the back of the affected area to help smooth the skin. Many of them offer helpful options such as rechargeable ports.
  • A rasp callus remover - This is a small, manual device made of metal. Several tiny blades scrape away the rough, dead skin of the callused area. They are typically used on very thick calluses and recommended for areas such as the foot as it tends to develop rough calluses.
  • A foot file - Foot files are designed to remove calluses from the affected skin and are light enough that you can usually use them on feet. You can also use a foot file on more delicate areas such as elbows.
  • Lotions and creams - Some calluses are mild enough that simply applying some type of balm to the callused area can easily remove the callus. Often the area is dried out and simply needs a bit more moisture to keep the callus in check.
How do you choose a callus remover?

As there are a lot of different types, it's important to choose a remover that suits your needs. This means that it's a good idea to start with the lighter options available to you and use heavier items for thick calluses.

  • Consider simply rubbing some lotions into the area to see if added moisture will help. If this proves ineffective, move on to a pumice stone. While pumice stones are rough for removing dry skin, they're less abrasive than some of the other options that are designed for heavy calluses.
  • If those types do not help in removing a callus, move on to an electric callus remover. It will have the advantage of powerful motors that put pressure on the callus as you move the device over the foot.
  • Finally, if you are dealing with dense, heavy calluses, try a callus rasp. The small blades should make short work of even the rougher areas of dry skin, effectively removing dense calluses. As with any sharp object, you should take some care when utilizing this one.
  • And as a health tip, don't share callus removal equipment between other members of your household.