FreeMotion Elliptical Machines

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FreeMotion Elliptical Machines

It is hard to find a gym that does not have an elliptical in it. These machines are designed to provide you with intense cardiovascular exercise. The FreeMotion elliptical machines are incredibly in-depth with how much customization you can do for your fitness regimen. In addition to this, with FreeMotion elliptical machines, you can have workouts that target weight loss, increase your strength, and more. FreeMotion even uses a health-tracking system, known as iFit, that gives you the opportunity to track your workouts in the home, gym, and outside.

How Does a FreeMotion Fitness Elliptical Help with Fitness?

FreeMotion machines are easy to use. Making slight changes to your elliptical settings can drastically alter your training regimen:

Easy to start: Just by getting on a FreeMotion Fitness elliptical machine and starting to walk, you will begin a workout with simple strides or a mild incline. From there, you can adjust the way you walk to target trouble areas for fitness or increase the intensity of your training.

Tone your glutes and hamstrings: By simply increasing the incline of your elliptical, you can target your glutes and get a nice workout for your backside. You can emphasize the focus on your glutes even more by keeping your heels down while on the machine.

Strengthen your core: By not using the handles of the elliptical, you give your core a good workout while working on your cardio. Increasing your speed will increase the effectiveness of exercising your core as well.

What are the Health Benefits of a FreeMotion Fitness Elliptical?

Using elliptical equipment has health benefits that make it a preferable option to other machines or running outside:

  • Low impact: FreeMotion machines are low impact. For those with joint and bone conditions, these ellipticals offer intense cardio workouts without making certain ailments worse.
  • Strong focus on lower body: FreeMotion ellipticals constantly keep the leg muscles engaged. You can even reverse the direction of the pedals to make things more intense.
  • Burning calories: In half an hour you can burn hundreds of calories on a FreeMotion elliptical. How much you burn is determined by the intensity of your training and your current weight.

How Does a FreeMotion Elliptical Help with Weight Loss?

FreeMotion ellipticals come with different modes and settings that allow you to keep your workouts intense:

  • Resistance: FreeMotion ellipticals offer various levels of resistance to pushback against every step you take. Varying the resistance helps with strength, stamina, and weight loss.
  • Monitoring calorie loss: FreeMotion ellipticals show you how many calories you are burning with your workout. This helps you gauge how much you are burning off for your fitness regimen.
  • Full body workout: While FreeMotion ellipticals does keep the legs engaged the most, you can change the workout to encompass the entire body by making small adjustments to the way you pedal.

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