Google Pixel 2 Smartphones

Google Pixel 2 Smartphones



Google Pixel 2
Display Size
Release Date
Camera Resolution

Ratings & Reviews

Average Ratings of all


52 average ratings

Long battery life
Small form factor
Good value
  • by cdndmfMarch 22, 2018

    Perfectly sized, powerful smart phone, with an amazing camera.

    I am extremely happy with this phone. I do not spend a lot of time on my phone, but I call and text and do a little browzing. I also like to take pictures. The camera is spectacular and takes beautiful photos. Its interface with aps is straightforward and easy to use. Overall, I am still easing into this smartphone, but after two weeks, I am still very pleased with it.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by letsjakeadealMarch 02, 2018

    Oooooo boi!

    So I've been using this phone for about a month. I put it through antutu benches and testing. It did great and it out performed the s8+ BOOM!! I love it so far! I attached some photos one of a pano and of with hand writing so you can zoom in to get a sense of quality. Those mega Pixels go a long way.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by willafo_71February 05, 2020

    Top Drawer

    I have had a couple of great phones in my life but this is by far the finest. Everything about it is top drawer. The sound quality both in ear and speaker is amazing. Boot up speed as well as recharging speed is remarkable. If this phone not make you happy than nothing will!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by zed_nullMay 24, 2019

    Great phone for the money.

    Great phone in perfect condition, for the price I paid I could not have gottten a new phone with as good specs. Google has even updated the software on the camera to match the Pixel 3

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by carlsadaJuly 27, 2021

    Small but mighty

    Excellent little phone with tons of great features and a great form factor, I've never been a fan of a phone you can't even fit in your pocket!

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by pinkienh1j8rMay 21, 2020

    google pixel 2 like the size and features

    so far it's been great, the price was good for a new phone. I replaced a samsung 7 with it and so far i'm happy I did

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by johhoo-6September 06, 2021

    Great buy

    Older google flagship phone that is a steal for $50, especially with an unlocked bootloader. This thing has more horsepower than my laptop

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by owlhowlSeptember 02, 2019

    Best Android

    The best Android phone for now. It works fine as it should be. The size of the phone is perfect.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by solarspartanMarch 03, 2018

    Great phone!!

    Love the unlimited photo storage with Google. Smooth navigation with nice now playing for music.

    Verified purchase:Yes

  • by defenestra2August 12, 2020

    Great buy

    Excellent value and very easy to see up and transfer all my data.

    Verified purchase:Yes