Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs for Buick Regal

Buick Regal Car Keyless Entry Remote Fobs

Owners of the Buick Regal that have keyless entry remote capability find that operation of the vehicles door locks and trunk without a key is one of their vehicles most valued conveniences. Instead of fumbling around in the dark or cold, the push of one button, even at a distance, is all it takes. There are a wide variety of keyless entry remote units and systems available, one of which should suit any vehicle that has this capability.

What is a keyless entry remote system for a car?

This is a means by which an electronic remote control, either built into the key or located in the key fob, unlocks and locks car doors when activated by pressing a button. An electronic signal is sent from the key or fob to a receiver inside the car. Once the car receives the signal, it locks or unlocks the doors. Many key fobs can also start the car remotely, open the trunk, and activate an alarm signal.

How do you program a keyless entry remote key fob?

Check the Regal owners manual first. If thats not handy, the process really is pretty simple if you want to do it yourself. It can be as easy as inserting the key into the ignition and turning it forward until its in the "on" position (but dont go as far as starting it up). You need to get into "program" mode, so it may take a few times of turning the vehicle off, then back into that "on" position again. A light should let you know when you are in "program" mode. All you have to do then is to press a button on the key fob that needs programming. Once you do this, the key fob should be in sync with the vehicle.

What should you look for in a remote key fob?

Buick Regal owners should find little or no difficulty in locating a new or replacement electronic key or key fob that is a direct match. As with any car or truck model, simply noting the model and year of the vehicle, which any quality key fob unit will list clearly in their product details, should be all that is needed. Going with a key ring or remote model specifically designed for your vehicle is most recommended.

How do you replace the keyless entry remote battery?

Typically, all you need to replace the battery in your key fob is a flat-head screwdriver. Carefully pry around the edges where the top and bottom of the fob meet. Once that pops off, all you need to do is put the new battery in, pop the top back on, and then test that its functioning correctly.