Kirk Antique US Sterling Silver Flatware Repousse


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Experience Beauty and History With Kirk Antique US Sterling Silver Flatware Repoussé

Kirk got its start as a family-owned silversmith shop in 1815, and decades later, it is still one of the leading manufacturers of repoussé silver flatware. Kirk antique US sterling silver flatware repoussé sets are available with a variety of knives, spoons, forks, and more. These highly collectible pieces are a great addition to an antique silver display, or they can add an elegant touch to any table setting.

How to choose between common Kirk patterns

There are quite a few different Kirk antique US sterling silver flatware repoussé patterns created by the company. Here are some of the features you can expect with their most iconic patterns:

  • Standard repoussé: This signature pattern is an ornate blend of flowers and leaves on the handles of flatware.
  • Applied lace: This style has a repoussé pattern that extends past the handle and sits on top of the bowl, blade, or tines of the flatware.
  • Berry: This pattern of Kirk antique US sterling silver flatware repoussé has grapes and berry clusters added to the traditional floral pattern.
  • Monogrammed: This pattern looks like traditional repoussé on the front, but if you look on the back, you will find a monogrammed letter.
What is the difference between antique and vintage silver flatware?

Typically, when people are discussing silver flatware, antique refers solely to pieces that are over 100 years old. This means that if you want silver flatware made by the original Kirk family, you will need to look for Kirk antique US sterling silver flatware repoussé patterns. Vintage pieces made from Kirk or Kirk Stieff are older than brand-new Kirk silverware pieces, but they do not have quite as long a history. Since the Kirk Stieff company was only formed by the combination of Kirk and Stieff in 1979, Kirk Stieff antique US sterling silver flatware repoussé does not exist because it is technically still classified as vintage.

How to pick out a Kirk flatware set

A good place to start is often by deciding which era of Kirk flatware you are interested in. Once you have settled on an age for the silverware, you will want to think about the number and type of pieces in the set. Check the price to decide whether you want to hunt for inexpensive Kirk antique US sterling silver flatware repoussé or are happy to pay a premium price. Finally, it is a good idea to look at the description and see if the current condition of the product is acceptable.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Kirk.