ORIJEN Grain Free Dog Food

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Grain-Free ORIJEN Dog Food

Grain-Free ORIJEN is a dry dog food for canines that uses meat ingredients as main protein sources. This grain-free ORIJEN dog food is made for a puppy, adult, and senior dogs. It is manufactured in Alberta, Canada, by Champion Pet Food, who also makes Acana dog food.

What are the ingredients in dog food by ORIJEN?

ORIJEN pet food contains mainly fresh poultry, including organs such as chicken liver and cartilage, fresh whole fish, and whole eggs that were laid in nests. It also contains carbohydrates, such as green lentils, red lentils, and green peas, as well as vegetables like spinach, kale, and turnip greens. This dry kibble contains balanced ratios of nutrients appropriate for dogs, focusing on high protein content and low carbohydrates.

Where are the ingredients in ORIJEN dog food sourced?

ORIJEN dry dog food is made in Morinville, Alberta, Canada, and ingredients are supplied from local and regional sources. Regional farmers and fishermen provide sustainably and ethically-grown products that are GMO-free. All fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats qualify for human consumption and are produced in human-grade facilities.

What is the right way to store ORIJEN dog food?

You can store an opened dog food bag in an airtight canister. Some bags may have a zipper that can be used to reseal the bag to retain airtight conditions after opening. You do not need to refrigerate the dog food, but do store it in indirect sunlight and in a cool, dry place. The ideal storage temperature range is between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

What types of ORIJEN dry food for dogs are there?

There are eight types of ORIJEN dry dog food: puppy and large-breed puppy food, original, Six Fish, Regional Red, Tundra, and Fit and Trim for adults, and senior for older adult dogs. Six Fish contains 85% wild-caught produce made up of mackerel, redfish, herring, flounder, monkfish, and silver hake. Regional Red's kibble contains Angus beef, wild boar, lamb, goat, pork, and mackerel. Tundra contains boar, venison, goat, arctic char, mutton, and duck. All dry food contains foods that mimic evolutionary eating habits of dogs with high fresh meat and low carbohydrate content.

How should dogs be transitioned to ORIJEN food?

Use a one-week transition process by introducing ORIJEN gradually. Sudden food changes can be detrimental to dogs' digestive systems. Going slowly will give your pet a chance to adapt to the change in food. Begin by mixing 25% of the ORIJEN with 75% of their existing food. Slowly change the proportions over five to seven days by gradually decreasing the amount of existing food and increasing the quantity of ORIJEN. At the end of the transition period, you can feed 100% ORIJEN.

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