iCandy Stroller Parts


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Keep Your Baby Safe With iCandy Peach Replacement Parts

iCandy Peach replacement parts and accessories offer additional functionality for your child's pushchair. These parts add value to the pram and provide a range of features to ensure your child is comfortable and safe. eBay offers a variety of iCandy Peach replacement parts and accessories to serve your child's needs.

When should you replace iCandy Peach 3 wheels?

iCandy Peach wheels are essential components of your child's pushchair. If your pushchair is producing squeaky noise, this may be a sign that you need to replace your iCandy Peach rear wheels. This is often due to pram maintenance neglect.

Materials used to make iCandy Peach replacement parts

Most of the parts available for iCandy Peach frames are made of steel or aluminium. Aluminium or steel tubing is bent with a press to form spare parts of the frame. iCandy spares for the hood and seats are made of cloth. Plastic and rubber are used on the wheels and handlebars.

What should you consider when choosing iCandy spares?

When considering buying iCandy spares, make sure the parts you get will fit your baby's pram. If you want to replace iCandy Peach tyres, keep in mind that the diametre of iCandy Peach wheels varies. Measure the iCandy Peach wheels to determine their size. Lastly, if you need iCandy replacement handlebar, choose the one that fit your gait and height.

iCandy Peach replacement parts and accessories

There are various iCandy Peach replacement parts and accessories available on eBay. They include:

  • iCandy seat cover: A cover designed to help keep your baby warm in the winter and provide sun protection during hot days. It also protects them from dust and germs at public events. iCandy seat covers come in various patterns and colors to match your style. When the pushchair is not in use, you can use the iCandy seat cover to protect it from sun damage and dust.
  • Car seat adapter: A tool that allows you to click your vehicle seat safely onto your baby's pram. It allows your baby to stay asleep when you are getting in and out of your car.
  • Bumper bar: A bar that hangs across the front of a pram's seat, giving your baby something to hold on to. Some bumper bars come with a tray where you can store your child's favourite toys and feeding bottle. Other iCandy Peach replacement parts include axle centre bolts for front iCandy wheels, footmuff, and iCandy Peach wheel hub.